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What is in a year, really?

December 23, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Photo by Goran Kimovski, December, 2010

If a year was a bucket, it would start half empty…
But sadly, finish half full…

Somewhere death comes by night,
While a newborn smiles at his first daylight
An old man says last goodbye at work,
A child says Hi to her first homework
Mother’s cry, father’s pride,
Children’s voices race for the clouds
If a year was a bucket, it would hold life…

One child is born to never learn food is scarce,
Another is raised to respect nature’s resources
Yet another brings doom to many with his gun,
While his friends are looking up to the sun
White, black, girls, boys,  fast, slow, short, tall
Different but same, happy dreams for all
If a year was a bucket, it would hold hope…

If a year was a bucket, it would start half empty…
But sadly, finish half full…

A house is built, hurricane brings it down,
An earthquake strikes, new home is found
Species go extinct, diseases loom,
Humans are tough, we’ve been to the moon
Terrorists hit, people are at war,
Yet there are plenty saying Stop! No more!
If a year was a bucket, it would hold struggle…

Boy loves girl, girl loves boy, goes the oldest of the stories,
Child grows up, the world invites, no end to parents’ worries
Friend spends night at sick friend’s bed,
Stranger offers bread, to keep another stranger fed
Baby’s smile, mother’s clap, father’s cheer,
Life is about love, nothing else comes near
If a year was a bucket, it would hold love…

If a year was a bucket, it would start half empty…
But sadly, finish half full…

I hear a song, someone tells a story, people chatter,
It is warm in my home, as I listen to the rain’s patter
Grandma reads her niece a book, with princesses and fairies
Nephew never tires, to grandpa’s old war stories
People are an amazing lot, each with a unique import
We explore, we learn, we create, we love, each other we support
If a year was a bucket, it would hold stories…
6 billions of them and counting!

If a year is a bucket, let’s fill it up!
Add more stories, turn hope into love,
Stop the struggle, add all the life you can think of…
Next year we’ll get a bigger bucket, don’t worry!

If a year is a bucket, it holds my story
And the stories of those I love!

To my family
– Goran Kimovski, December 2010

Happy Holidays ~ Merry Christmas ~ Happy Kwanzaa ~ Happy Hanukkah ~ Happy New Year ~ Честит Божиќ ~ Среќна Нова Година ~ Gëzuar Krishtlindjet dhe Gëzuar Vitin e Ri ~ ‘A’yād Sa’īdah ~ Prettige feestdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar ~ Bonne Année ~ Joyeuses Fêtes! ~ Fröhliche Weihnachten ~Καλές Γιορτές ~ Mo-ād-īm L’sim-chā ~ Nav varsh ki Shubhkamnaye ~ Naya Saal Mubarak ~ Selamat Tahun Baru ~ Buone Feste ~ Meri Kirihimete ~ 明けましておめでとうございます。~ 새해 복 많이 받으세요. ~ Schéi Feierdeeg ~ 恭喜發財 / 恭喜发财 ~ Шинэ жилийн мэнд хүргэе ~ Wesołych Świąt ~ Feliz Natal ~ Boas Festas ~ С Новым Годом ~ Срећан Божић ~ Срећна Нова Година ~ Felices Fiestas ~ Habari Gani ~ Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun ~ Веселих свят! ~ Chúc mừng năm mới ~ Gut Yontiff ~ God Jul och Gott Nytt År

  1. Ema
    December 23, 2010 at 4:26 am

    Goran, this is one of the most beautifully, deeply thought out, meaningful, relevant, and profound poems that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It reached deeply into my mind, filling it with vivid images of each and every word, and filled my soul with one man’s love and hope for the future of the world he holds in his heart and his hope and that man is you! You are very talented in many ways and I consider it a true privilege to know you and your family and call you my friends. Please do write more poetry and share it with the world. It is poems like this precious one that make differences in world and in the lives of those who read it. Thank you making it a part of my life.

    • December 23, 2010 at 10:12 am

      Thanks Maria for the words of encouragement! They mean a lot not just because they come from you, but also because this was my first attempt at poetry — if I discount few attempts up to the age of 10 😉 — and it felt strange to say the least 😉

      Thank you so much for being a regular reader and for the opportunity you’ve given me and my wife to feel closer to you and your family as you’re dealing with your own struggles! I am really hopeful that during 2011 you will find more strength than ever to come out as a winner and enjoy life with renewed vigor! It should be a year dedicated to you and your family!!

      Happiness comes from within and the people we love, so I hope you will be able to enjoy the precious little moments that life still provides and have a great Christmas and a happy New Year!!!


  1. December 23, 2010 at 1:06 am

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